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Friday, September 13, 2024

KUBERNETES: KUBECTL Command To List Pods And Their Associated Container Listening Ports

Below command can be used.

kubectl get pods -A -o custom-columns=",PORTS:.spec.containers[*].ports[*].containerPort"

Below is sample output of above command.

POD                                           PORTS
nginx-6f4cfc8479-22zlh                        80
nginx-6f4cfc8479-2trg9                        80
nginx-6f4cfc8479-7sfpj                        80
nginx-6f4cfc8479-mkfng                        80
nginx-6f4cfc8479-nffq6                        80
nginx-6f4cfc8479-vcmx8                        80
coredns-5859f68d4-7p95k                       53,53,9153
coredns-5859f68d4-f7hnb                       53,53,9153

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